I don't know if it's just me but I seem to have a lot of "those" types of days. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of day where you just want to sit around and not move and slowly become one with the couch while you each junk and watch unhealthy amounts of Netflix. Yeah, THOSE days.
This year winter seems to be coming early to Edmonton and I am scared... it taunts me from every status update and photo I come across that mentions the dreaded word, "snow"! I hate winter in this Province, it is not the fun type of winter that I grew up with where you could actually go outside and play in the fabulous white stuff that fell from the sky. No, this type of winter is freezing and unforgivable.
So back to my original statement involving those days where you turn in to a sloth like entity. It happens, we all know it does. Today I am going to give you a tip on how to defeat those days and kick them to the curb, girl!
Makeup! Yes you heard me. If you are the type that doesn't wear makeup you can switch the word "makeup" to "skin care" or "tinted moisturizer".
Basically my tip for the day is even if you are planning on being a sloth for the day, do your makeup. Even a tiny bit will help.
Today I put on sweats and a t-shirt fully intending to spend the day wallowing on my couch and thinking about how I should be outside going for a walk in this sunny (yet freezing) weather. After lunch I decided that hey, I should at least put a bit of makeup on since I'm going to be going out later. (secret birthday present mission, shhh!)
So I went to the bathroom, feeling tired and just blah, and started my routine. I primed my face, concealed, laid the foundation, put a bit of nude lipstick on, some blush, and some mascara. I can tell you right now that just doing those simple steps, that took maybe 5 minutes of my sloth-like day, made me feel 100% better.
Now, I still have sweats and a t-shirt on but I must say, I feel fabulous and ready to take on the day now. I may even get dressed for real when I go out later, ha.
Sometimes it's the little things, you know? Putting on a tiny bit of makeup, or washing your face to refresh, or even giving yourself a little treat during the day to tell yourself "lets go"! Small things can make a huge difference in your mood.
So go out there and go get 'em ladies, don't let sloth-mode overtake your life like it seems to have done mine lately!
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