Oh my goodness I'm freaking out a little! My little man turned 3 years old this month, and he is starting Terrific Twos tomorrow! It's basically preschool for 2-3 year olds; 2 days a week instead of 3 like preschool. It's crazy!
It feels like yesterday that Mason was just born and we were moving out here to a brand new Province when he was 2 months old, and now he's 3! In about a year we'll also be moving back to BC again and at that time Mason will be FOUR and be full-time preschool and almost ready for Kindergarten, it's so odd.
In the past 3 years it has been difficult, there have been many tears shed, stressful times, relationships have almost broken but been made stronger because of it, and I'm so relieved that it'll be over soon. I hope this next year completely flies by! Back in BC we'll be near family and friends and support and we won't be alone anymore.
I have learned many things since Mason was born but the most important thing I have learned about myself is that I am so much stronger than I thought I was. Being a Mom and moving to a different Province than almost our whole family has pushed Mike and I both to the edge but never over and I think we've grown because of it.
That doesn't mean though that I want to stay here, ha. I freaking hate this place! There, I said it.
Most of the women on this Base are absolutely terrible, backstabbing, gossipy bitches and in 3 years I have only really made maybe one or two friends. I am practically a hermit and it's driving me insane.
But my son starting school tomorrow is giving me hope that life is progressing and we'll be home soon. :)
In a year our whole lives will be changing again; I will be going to school full-time, Mike will be in a new job, we will be living in a new place (back in BC but in a city we've never lived together), Mason will be in school.
I can't wait.
Alberta, you may have your good qualities but you are a cold, hard bitch 90% of the year and I will be pleased to leave you behind. ;)
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