Yep! I realized I hadn't written on here about my new scaly addition, as well as I haven't updated on how doing the reptile parties is going!
To start off, ever since I was really little I've been fascinated and in love with animals of all shapes and sizes and types; from lizards to birds to cats and dogs. Nothing is off limits. So it was an obvious thing that one of my favourite places to visit in the world was the Vancouver Aquarium a few hours from where I grew up. They are an amazing facility and I love visiting there often even now.
Well the Vancouver Aquarium not only has lots and lots of fish and marine life but they also have an Amazonian/Tropical exhibit where they have all types of insects and animals from the tropical rainforests of Brazil and surrounding countries. It's fantastic! The HUUUUUGE fish right as you walk in the door scare the crap out of me, but the rest is awesome, lol.
As you enter this exhibit you walk through a door into a mini rainforest and it's humid and smells like earth and animals and sounds like you're surrounded by life! It's the best.
Here, in this exhibit, is the first time I'd ever seen a Tortoise of any type in person; ever since then I have loved these animals and been just amazed at them and everything about them. I didn't know back then, or most of my life, that you could actually keep tortoises as pets; I thought that they were animals that only zoos or rescues or private sanctuaries could keep.
Then 3 years ago when we moved to Alberta and I got my first reptile, I started researching not only geckos, but all types of reptiles and scaly beasties. This is when I found out that tortoises were actually quite popular as pets, although not as popular as other reptiles (and definitely not as popular as a cat or dog ;) ).
For the next couple of years I spent a lot of time researching and discovering the different tortoise species that were common in the pet trade as well as the specific care that each species needs. This would give me the knowledge I needed to make an informed decision on which species would be best for me, and that I would enjoy the most while being able to care for 100% properly.
Now that's where Morla came in!
Morla is a Red Foot, Cherry Head Tortoise and she is about 1-2 years old according to her previous owner. She is amazing and beautiful and is basically like a dream come true, since I've wanted one of these guys my whole life!
This specific species of tortoise only gets to be about 14" long, and so they stay quite small compared to a lot of tortoise. Morla could live up to 80 years old, and so I'll be an old lady by the time she is too! We will grow old together :)
Now, Morla may be absolutely adorable and you might think you want a tortoise now, because why wouldn't you? Look at her face!
But these guys are a huge commitment and are a lot of responsibility to take on.
An adult Red Foot needs at least an 8'x4' enclosure once they're full grown; most people house their tortoises in home made vivariums or tortoise tables. They take up a lot of room!
Also, they have very specific diets (they need greens, vegetables, fruit, protein, and most of this is hard to find and not common in most grocery stores).
Their humidity needs are high. They come from rainforests in Columbia and so imagine where they come from in the wild and you need to re-create that environment at home for them to be healthy and thrive.
They are fantastic creatures though and I wouldn't give this girl up for the world!
Morla recently came along with me to her very first reptile party presentation! She got to make a little girl's birthday. :D Speaking of Edmonton Reptile Parties, it's been great. :) It's amazing to bring our animals to show children who normally wouldn't be able to see all of these reptiles up close, and have a chance to touch them! I love to teach kids that these guys aren't something to be scared of, they are something to love (just like a cat or a dog).
So that's, that. Just thought I'd quickly introduce my new member of our family since she is the cutest thing evar.
I actually really like frogs and I know I've had odd looks for having photos of them on my work computer. BTW, I work with your M.I.L., which is how I came upon your blog. As to the Vancouver Aquarium, when I was in high school, we had a tour of the lab. At that time, they had a kimono dragon as a mascot/pet. He was quite old and very cool, as he ran all over the place...huge guy. Great looking tortoise. I'm a long time vegetarian, so don't get me started, haha.